The awards below are marked with sample across them to prevent anyone from just copying and using them. Use the Contact us link to submit your nomination.
After we recieve your request and view the website nominated we will then send you the image without the
sample mark for you to place on your site, with instructions on how to add it. Before applying, please read our criteria, to be sure you will be accepted. CriteriaThank you for your interest
in our awards.
Do you know someone whose website shows all around business excellence? Nominate them
for this award, or apply for your own award.
You have a new website and wish to have it recognized, or know someone who is deserving of this
award? Nominate the site!
Who do you know that has shown outstanding achievement on the internet? Nominate their website here.
Too many times, we do business with companies that have given excellent service, but have failed to
let them know. Now is the time. Nominate that special company now.
This particular award is for all around website excellence. Great presentation, great design, great
public relations. Nominate your favorite now.
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